Mia’s Duo Dates


For me, sex with a woman is incred­i­bly sensual…the silky skin, full breasts and soft lips paired with a demand­ing tongue. However, when I am affec­tion­ate with men, I enjoy the rougher skin and the slightly scratchy beard.

A three­some with two women is always the highlight of the month for me. Of course, this also involves in-between beings, queer colored animals and trans people of all stripes! Let’s enjoy the rainbow together.

Angel Kira

the light­hearted-one


My friend Kira is an extra­or­di­nary person who embod­ies respect and big-heart­ed­ness in a wonder­ful way. Her sensual charisma and inter­est in pole dancing show her passion for physi­cal expres­sion and self-confi­dence. Kira is like a bright sunshine that makes the hearts of others shine. She knows how to inspire and motivate people around her. With her warm nature and empathy, she creates an atmos­phere of trust and connec­tion. I am so grate­ful to have her by my side.
You want to have us as an unbeat­able team at your side?

Kira will visit me again in August and October:
She will be with me on August 10–12 and
on 22 and 24 October (around my birth­day) to 26.10. prefer­ably in Düssel­dorf and for a joint duo date to have.

In addition, I will be in Berlin at the begin­ning of Decem­ber and would
on the 5th 10th and 11th Decem­ber insanely like to spend single dates or dates with Kira Meru or also with my friend Niki Blau.

Would you like to know more about them and find out how perfectly we harmo­nize with you?

Angel Irina Escort Duo
Mia Elysia und Irina le fey
Mia Elysia und Irina le fey
Mia Elysia und Irina le fey

Angel Irina

the excit­ing one


What connects me and Irina? I could talk about it for days and would only come close to the truth. Irina is a real whirl­wind, incred­i­bly active, full of crazy ideas — and a real business lady…

As if that weren’t enough, she shares my great love for her animals and would rather spend her days frolick­ing with her three dogs than in the nail salon. What we unfor­tu­nately don’t have in common are the infinitely long legs, which make them an absolute dream in evening dresses and which, together with their esprit, rightly give her the title of high class lady.

A princess who prefers to ride wildly through the woods than to acidify in the tower. That is her. That and much more. That is her. That and much more.

Would you like to know more about them and find out how perfectly we harmo­nize with you?

Angel Irina Escort Duo
Mia Elysia und Irina le fey
Mia Elysia und Irina le fey
Mia Elysia und Irina le fey

Do you have other wishes?



For danger seekers


For the devoted


For the attentive

be very close to me

For a very special sight



Mia Elysia Escort Business Dress
Mia Elysia Escort with hat
Mia Elysia Escort Lingerie