Little Mia,

big heart


Here you can find out which projects I am currently support­ing and what is partic­u­larly close to my heart. Under the hashtag #kleine­Mi­a­großesH­erz you can always find my current projects on Twitter and Insta­gram.

My fundrais­ers


Before the beauti­ful madness begins, I would like to thank every­one who makes these actions possi­ble through their donations and especially through their time and profits. Thank you for your trust.


I would also like to mention my fantas­tic webmas­ter, who designed all the lottery pots and the donation page without any fee. I would like to give her something in return and hereby recom­mend her without reser­va­tion. Feel free to ask me for her contact information.

Fundraiser Rote Scheune



Win a hot 4h Duo Date with Nina Lira and Mia Elysia in Frank­furt or Bonn!


1 raffle ticket 🎟 150€

Fundraiser Rote Scheune



Win a dinner date with Kira or Mia (Winner may choose after the lottery) in Bonn or Berlin! 

1 raffle ticket 🎟 100€

Fundraiser Rote Scheune



Win a deluxe glamour photo shoot with Sofia Exss worth 699,- € with complete makeover and your 2 favorite images edited as a digital file.

1 raffle ticket 🎟 50€

Fundraiser Rote Scheune



Win a picture of Mia in poster size, framed, signed!


1 raffle ticket 🎟 20€

One fundraiser — Two great opportunities!

You voted and chose cat animal welfare (1st place) and human­i­tar­ian aid (2nd place) in Ukraine. I hope you are happy with my selection!


Project “Essen für Viele”

This time I would like to intro­duce you to the great project “Food for Many — Warm Meals for Ukraine”.

With their field kitchen, we will provide hot meals to about 2,000 people in Ukraine per day. They are on site at the personal invita­tion of the city author­i­ties. They are volun­teer­ing in Mykolaiv, Odessa and Kherson in cooper­a­tion with Ukrain­ian, German and Canadian NGOs. 

Each meal costs about 1,55€ includ­ing fresh bread and hot tea.

In addition

  • running costs for the stove fuel of just under 100€/day
  • the accom­mo­da­tion costs per volun­teer of 38€/day.

You will automat­i­cally receive a donation receipt for your donation to Better­place.

Let’s support this impor­tant project together!


Under the link you can send money unbureau­crat­i­cally to the privately initi­ated emergency fund. This fund is used to pay for every­thing that does not fit into the Better­place fund’s guide­lines. Especially in non-EU countries, there is often no other way than to directly and immedi­ately use freely avail­able money. For example, a coffee for fellow volun­teers, shopping for the homeless, or running errands at the weekly market. 

You won’t get a receipt for contri­bu­tions to the Emergency Relief Fund, but you will get a big smile from me.


Project „Rettet die Nordstadtkatzen“

If the name “North City Cats” sounds strangely famil­iar to you, you’re spot on!

My dear friend Lovis has already made it to “Kleine­Mi­a­großesH­erz” — back then we collected an unbeliev­able 8,000€ for a secure outdoor enclo­sure and other large purchases. Lovis has given part of the donations to the animal welfare organi­za­tion “Hutz-Wutz-Farm”.

Now Lovis needs our help again, because since an infec­tion she has not recov­ered properly — the diagno­sis ME/CFS is in the room. Of course, she contin­ues to fight with all her might, but I’m sure you’ll agree that we at “Kleine­Mi­a­großesH­erz” are now a kind of big family.

Impor­tant projects to keep the North City Cats going would be to replace the broken hardwood floor to a new one that is easier to disin­fect. Unfor­tu­nately, taking in 150 sick found cats per year demands a lot — also from a floor. 

The “quite normal madness” consists of approx. 20 still pending castra­tions, among other things of strays, the monthly food and veteri­nary costs for the cats and support in Lützen, where the cats are other­wise simply “disposed”…

Account: Freunde der Nordstadtkatzen 

IBAN:DE82 2545 0110 0031 0531 27


Subject: #Kleine­Mi­a­großesH­erz

Condi­tions of Participation
  • For each donation of the amount indicated for the lottery pot (20, 50, 100 or 150 Euro) you get 1 lottery ticket!
  • Please send me the trans­fer receipt as a screenshot/image via email to and indicate which one of the lottery pots you would like to be in.
  • Please remem­ber to make your personal data unrec­og­niz­able if neces­sary. However, I will need a name of your choice for the ticket. After the raffle, I will delete all emails received immediately.
  • Each ticket can only go into one lottery pot. So to get into all the raffle pots, you have to buy at least 4 raffle tickets.
  • Deadline for entries is 19.03.23 at 24h!
  • Winnings must be redeemed within 6 months.
  • All partic­i­pants will receive a photo of me with a personal “thank you” note on the back if they wish.
  • PS: No matter your sex or gender, pronoun, trans or cis — you are welcome in my fundrais­ing community!
Here’s how you can donate
  • Before you donate, please inform yourself person­ally on News — Terra Vision or and get an idea of the great work these people are doing.
  • 100% of your donation goes to the associ­a­tion, because I only get the donation receipt from you ❤️
  • You can either trans­fer your donation directly to the indicated account or donate with Paypal. Please be sure to select friends and family, other­wise PayPal will withhold approx. 3%. And for that you can better still buy a lottery ticket!
  • We appre­ci­ate any amount, no matter how small!

I hope I could inspire you for both projects and I am happy to bring a huge smile to the faces of many people in Ukraine and 100 cats together with you!

My illus­trated book

I am partic­u­larly proud to show you my latest project: a whole book with photos from over 10 years of Mia Elysia Escort. Some of my colleagues also made it into this little piece of my story.

You will also see pictures in it that you will not find anywhere else.

Mia Elysia illustrated book
The hard facts:

The Mia Elysia Escort illus­trated book is in the format 21x21 cm, bound in elegant black leather, with gold emboss­ing and printed on high-quality paper.

It has 100 pages and is avail­able from me from very special lovers for € 300. If you wish, you can also receive a personal dedication.

Of this, € 150 will be trans­ferred to me to cover the order costs and you will donate the remain­ing € 150 to Frauen­hausko­or­dinierung e. V. You can deduct this amount for tax purposes.

Then send me your donation receipt. I’m looking forward to your message.

Mia Elysia illustrated book

Keep up to date

You will receive new fundrais­ers, raffles and very personal insights from me in my newsletter.

Regis­ter now and don’t miss anything from me!



Mia Elysia Escort Portrait close
Mia Elysia Independent Escort
Mia Elysia Escort on the couch