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Indepen­dent Escort Date Berlin
Mia Elysia


Berlin — my second adopted home!

Through my numer­ous visits to the capital, I have built a large and fasci­nat­ing network of colleagues, friends and photographers. 

Let me take you into my small, excit­ing Berlin world.

The absolute highlights of my Berlin trips are of course the meetings with my escort colleague Kira from the agency Escoreal and with the Indepen­dent Escort Berlin Niki Blau, as well as the courses in the Studio Lux.

I try to include a meeting with the two or a course in every tour in Berlin- maybe you can help me with that? 😉

Before an escort date I love to browse the Galerie Lafayette or KaDeWe for an excit­ing cocktail dress or drink a glass of champagne against the excite­ment of finally getting to know you.

Please don’t tip-toe
Come close, let’s flow
Anchor in me, and get lost at sea
The world’s your oyster and I am the pearl
Open waters
Sink into me slowly
So baby, come and take a swim with me
Make me ripple ‚til I’m wavy
Don’t be scared to dive in deep
And start a tsunami

[ Katy Perry — Tsunami ]

Which wishes may I fulfill you?



For the devoted


For danger seekers


For God in France

Indepen­dent Escort in Berlin

My hotel recom­men­da­tions for our Indepen­dent Escort Date in Berlin

  I usually spend my nights at the Hotel Provo­ca­teur, the 25 hours Bikini and the Dorint Kurfürstendamm.

The Provo­ca­teur

has an atmos­phere so full of eroti­cism that you can liter­ally grab it. The rich colors, free-stand­ing bathtubs and seduc­tive clips projected on the walls exude pure 1920s decadence and liter­ally send me, as an indepen­dent escort, into a frenzy… the rest is done by the Provo­ca­teur Bar, which has even been voted hotel bar of the year, and the Golden Phoenix Restau­rant with a truffle pasta that I have been falling for again and again for years.…

The 25hours Hotel

has very spacious and bright rooms and a down-to-earth flair. When I travel privately to Berlin, I usually book one of the suites and enjoy the sauna overlook­ing the zoo. In the evening you can have a fantas­tic meal at Neni or drink cocktails at Monkey Bar. Also in the morning, the 25hours knows how to convince with culinary delights such as shakshuka — my great love since my travels to Israel!

If you prefer more upscale business hotels, I can recom­mend the 

Dorint Hotel on Ku’damm and, of course, the 

Hotel Adlon Kempin­ski Berlin,

the Ritz-Carlton with my beloved After­noon Tea,

the Hyatt Berlin and the

Hilton Gendar­men­markt.

My restau­rant recom­men­da­tions for our Indepen­dent Escort Date in Berlin

I have eaten the best food at the Neni, the in-house restau­rant of each 25hour hotel and in the Golden Phoenix of the Hotel Provocateurs. 

But I would like to get to know the Tim Raue Restau­rant Berlin

Chef Tim Raue has 19.5 points in the Gault Miliau and two stars in the Guide Michelin.

The restau­rant Nobelhart&Schmutzig not only has a great name, it also comes across as incred­i­bly unpre­ten­tious. You can watch the chefs prepare the food because of the open concept. Here is promised a taste explo­sion- food photos are not allowed! A noble and charm­ing escape from the hustle and bustle of every­day life. 

By the way, the owners describe an evening in your restau­rant as follows: At the begin­ning it’s classy, in the middle it gets tough and at the end it gets dirty.

With my friends I usually meet for brunch in the Benedict or in the numer­ous restau­rants in Friedrichshain around Boxha­gener Platz, affec­tion­ately known as “Boxi”.

My event recom­men­da­tions for our Indepen­dent Escort Date in Berlin

Of all the differ­ent experi­ences, I loved the shows at the Friedrichspalast, the burlesque show in the Showbühne Berlin and the 1920s revue in the Winter­garten I enjoyed the most. I would love to attend these or other events there again. 


With friends I have lived my dark side already several times in the “Kitty” KitKat Cluband at the Insom­nia The latter is something for advanced swingers, especially the party series “Satur­day night f***” is not for the faint-hearted. In both clubs I would take you as an indepen­dent escort Berlin very happy and show you (maybe) a whole new world. Of course includ­ing shopping tour to complete your outfit.


Hardly anything “binds” as much as shared experi­ences. How about deepen­ing and explor­ing our prefer­ences together? For Courses on the subject of BDSM I can recom­mend the Lux Dominas­tu­dio. So far I have attended Bondage A1 there and would like to deepen my knowl­edge further. Prefer­ably with an inclined gentle­man, of course. 

Courses that would appeal to me in 2023 are: 

Bondage 2

Sex-Ed Sensa­tion & Pressurepoints


Pain play

Cock and Balls

Dominant Massage

Sharing is caring

You want to share me with another pretty Indepen­dent Escort Berlin lady? Then I can recom­mend Kira Maru and Niki Blau. Through my numer­ous visits to Berlin, we are well-rehearsed teams and always look forward to a reunion!