Mia Elysia Escort Dinner 8.11. Frankfurt

An evening with lots of flirt­ing in an exclu­sive setting

Mia Elysia Extrav­a­gant Edition

Your prayers have been answered
On Novem­ber 8, 2024, a completely new version of the Mia Elysia Dinner will open its doors in Frank­furt am Main for the first time.
On an auspi­cious Novem­ber night, no fewer than 20 ladies will be vying for your favor. The ladies’ outfits will be frivo­lous, the flirt­ing dirtier and the music louder.
We will take Frank­furt by storm. You can expect culinary delights, exotic beauties, hot curves and, for the first time, the oppor­tu­nity to dance! 

“More central, bigger, hotter and wilder will be my next coup:
a bar with cocktails, a DJ and a dance floor all for you and currently 20(!) seduc­tive ladies. Top rule as always: whet your appetite yes, eat in your hotel room”.
These are the promises. 

And now these are being filled with reality, because here you can find out how you can regis­ter, which ladies are honor­ing us and what you can expect.
Have fun reading.

And: Hands over the edge of the table!

Who to meet

You love good company in the form of beauti­ful women, but decid­ing on one is soooo diffi­cult? Then meet 20 ladies at once! 

These excit­ing ladies have decided to travel to Frank­furt to meet you:

Mia Elysia (Host)
Eve Allegra (Co-Organizer)


and some surprises


What to know

The entrance fee for the dinner is €500, which is less than an hour with a lady — and you can meet 20! For the gentle­men who have been waiting a long time to finally regis­ter, we have set an Early Bird price of 400€ until Septem­ber 30th

As always, the dress code for the evening is smart casual — so with a white shirt you are perfectly dressed!
Age and appear­ance don’t matter to us, but we appre­ci­ate a friendly gentle­man and attach great impor­tance to treat­ing each other with respect.

The evening starts at 7 pm at the location — you will receive the exact address a few days before the dinner for reasons of discretion 

Cell phones are not allowed at dinner — please leave them in the hotel or in your jacket pocket. There is of course the possi­bil­ity to take souvenir photos with the beauti­ful ladies! But please bring some cash for our wheel of fortune 

I do not take over any arrange­ment for the ladies — I am not an agency and take no payment for the organi­za­tion of the dinner. My payment is the pleasure of the dinner. Please do not be the reason that I lose this. 

So if you have any questions about the ladies, of whatever kind, write to them person­ally or wait for the telegram group. And btw — you would­n’t other­wise write to a lady to book her colleague, would you?

Dates for the night can be requested in advance, during the dinner or after­wards from the respec­tive lady. There will also be a symbol that identi­fies both men and women as still looking

For the night I recom­mend the Roomers Hotel and the Frank­furter Hof (approx. 10 minutes away on foot)

How to attend

I look forward to receiv­ing your regis­tra­tion at dinner@me-escort.de. Please intro­duce yourself briefly in 2–3 sentences and let me know how you found out about the dinner. I will then give you the account details for my event account. Please don’t forget to write your name from your email/your alias in the reason for payment. 

Regis­tra­tion is possi­ble immedi­ately and will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.

Don’t forget: For the gentle­men who have been waiting a long time to finally regis­ter, we have set an Early Bird price* of 400€ until Septem­ber 30th

After receiv­ing your deposit, your adven­ture will start 4 weeks before the event. As always, there will be an anony­mous telegram group where 20 ladies are waiting for you, whom you can ask for dates afterwards. 

Rules of the game

  • Cancel­la­tions are possi­ble up to three weeks before the event, but there is a cancel­la­tion fee of 150 €, as our location is reserved exclu­sively for this special evening so that our ladies can show their best side and you can remain anonymous.
  • No infor­ma­tion about the ladies about me please. If you have any questions about the ladies, please write to them person­ally or wait for the telegram group.
  • Please no cell phones during dinner, as discre­tion is our top priority.

“I am truly eternally grate­ful that I was able to experi­ence the event of the year. I definitely can’t remem­ber the last time I was in a room with so many wonder­ful people. I hope there will be many more repeti­tions.
Thank you, @mia_elysia and all of you who made this possible.”

“Dear Mia,
Thank you so much for the brilliant evening that you organized with your team and the other ladies. Please be sure to repeat. Really all great — super organi­za­tion, delicious food and good balanced drinks, brilliant ambience and above all great ladies.
Kind regards from a still flashed Jürgen ”

“People keep asking how long I’m staying in Germany. If I keep having experi­ences like last night, possi­bly forever!

Had a BLAST at @mia_elysia’s party yester­day and anyone who could­n’t make it missed out!! What an incred­i­ble group of people, thank you to everyone!! ”

Mia Elysia Dinner

Mia Elysia Dinner FAQs

For the few gentle­men who are still unsure whether the dinner is right for them, we have put together a few more regular questions.
You can of course still find general infor­ma­tion further up on the dinner page.


Why do more men than women take part?

As the men pay for the ladies’ meals, we naturally need a little more men than women. Besides, 13 head-turners should be more than enough to keep you gushing.


Why Bonn and not Frank­furt or Berlin?


The point here is clearly the budget.

Frank­furt is not exactly known for low prices and so a location here can easily cost twice as much as what I get from contacts in Bonn.
Anyone who knows me should know how impor­tant quality is to me. It would there­fore never be an option to rent a shabby location just to hold a dinner in Frankfurt.


Does age or appear­ance play a role and
do I need to have experi­ence as a booker?

Of course, we don’t love the nice gentle­man next door and attach great impor­tance to respect­ful inter­ac­tion.
The dinner is the perfect intro­duc­tion if you are a little unsure or have been toying with the idea of booking an escort lady for some time.

Will there be sexual inter­ac­tions during the dinner?

A very clear no!
We all want to spend a nice evening together and making out wildly with the lady of our hearts could scare off shy gentle­men. The main purpose of the evening is to get to know each other and to give the ladies the oppor­tu­nity to talk to several men. Please don’t forget that the location is a restau­rant, albeit booked exclu­sively for us, and that we might want to come back 😉

If you wish, you can book one of the ladies in advance for the hours after dinner.