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Indepen­dent Escort in Bonn
Mia Elysia


Would you like to feel that excite­ment again as you did before a first date and at the same time set yourself free
from the limits of every­day life?
Get involved with me on an indepen­dent escort date in Bonn and I will take you there.

Would you like to lose yourself in the eyes of the indepen­dent escort lady with the first drink,
sense in the ambigu­ity of his gestures and desire — and a hint of danger?

As your bringer of joy, I come in many forms
play count­less roles, supple in body and mind.

Please don’t tip-toe
Come close, let’s flow
Anchor in me, and get lost at sea
The world’s your oyster and I am the pearl
Open waters
Sink into me slowly
So baby, come and take a swim with me
Make me ripple ‚til I’m wavy
Don’t be scared to dive in deep
And start a tsunami

[ Katy Perry — Tsunami ]

Which wishes may I fulfill you?



For the devoted


For danger seekers


For God in France

Indepen­dent Escort in Bonn

A few words about Bonn

Dear gentle­man,

“As the German capital, a sad joke but reality”. This is how Helmut Schmidt described his home country for a while, in complete contrast to the often sung hymns of praise for this small but fine former electoral residence where Beethoven was born, Karl Marx and Rosa Luxemburg

and Heinrich Heine worked and where today the United Nations shape the former govern­ment district.

For me, Bonn has been my home for many years, not as loud as Cologne, hardly as cosmopoli­tan as Düssel­dorf, rather turbu­lently relaxed.

There­fore I would like to take the time today to intro­duce you to my personal Bonn and to bring you closer to a selec­tion of beauti­ful places. As with my textual excur­sion to Düssel­dorf, I would like to start with the question of where we will sleep.

Where are we staying?

The choice is diffi­cult here, but I would like to suggest four very differ­ent hotels to you.

First the

Kameha Grand Hotel
This very modern hotel is located on the site of the former cement factory at the Bonner Bogen on the Schäl Sick (on the right bank of the Rhine). Here you can enjoy yourself, be it in one of the very good restau­rants (Yunico, Next Level, Rohmühle) in the spa or in the infin­ity pool with a view of the Rhine and the Siebengebirge.

If your heart is not after glass and concrete but after living history, you can find it in the south of Bonn

Rhein­ho­tel Dreesen
The Rhein­ho­tel opened its doors for the first time as early as the end of the 19th century and, in its almost 130-year history, has seen the upper class of the imper­ial era as well as the diplo­mats of the early Bonn repub­lic come and go. The more intimate Villa Godes­berg is now a little further under the same manage­ment. And follow­ing the Bonn Repub­lic, my third recom­men­da­tion is that

Steigen­berger Grand­ho­tel Peters­berg
This place, which has long been used as the guest house of the Federal Repub­lic of Germany, capti­vates with one of the most beauti­ful views of the Rhine Valley. The Queen and many other state guests from all over the world have already made guest appear­ances here. If you have the leisure, you can ask the hotel staff about Leonid Brezhnev’s driving skills.

My list of sugges­tions ends in the middle of the former govern­ment district on

Hotel Marriott
Just like in the Kameha Grand Hotel directly opposite, you can enjoy a breath­tak­ing view of the region high above the roofs of the city, prefer­ably on the 17th floor in Alexan­der Stadler’s Konrad’s restaurant.

What are we doing?

While we’re there, I suggest we just walk a few meters to the

GOP Variety Theater
which is located on the ground floor. I’ve always been a big fan of variety shows, so I’m happy that there has been something similar in Bonn for some time now. Where the big politics used to be, you can now marvel at fasci­nat­ing magic and breath­tak­ing acrobat­ics. In addition, the GOP has its own restau­rant and a stylish piano bar. Here we can spend an atmos­pheric and stimu­lat­ing evening.

Just as atmos­pheric and maybe even more stimulating

Malentes Theater
a few meters further. The Belgian mirror tent opened last year in the south of Bonn is a venue for excit­ing hours. In earlier times, mirror tents with their hundreds of artfully and detailed mirrors not only offered visitors an atmos­pheric backdrop, but also the oppor­tu­nity to let stealthy and lustful glances wander through the audience …

But apart from the variety, this area has something to offer, the so-called

Museum Mile
Formerly part of the Bannmeile in the govern­ment district, today the mile has been given a new look with several museums of various types. Whether it should be a visit to the Alexan­der König Research Museum, where the Basic Law was signed, the Bundeskun­sthalle, which is worth more than a glance due to its archi­tec­tural design, or the adjoin­ing Bonn Art Museum.

Another name that is known far beyond the city limits is that

Meanwhile, like the Kameha Grand Hotel, on the Schäl Sick.

Here you can find exquis­ite and sometimes bizarre cabaret.

After all these delica­cies for the soul, the body should­n’t stay hungry either. Of course, all hotels from Kameha to ´rauf zum Peters­berg have very good cuisine, but I don’t want to miss the oppor­tu­nity to recom­mend two very differ­ent and at the same time wonder­ful places to you.

A piece of real “dolce vita” right next to Bonn’s Hofgarten­wiese and the electoral palace can be found in the

Il Punto
An elegant atmos­phere is guaran­teed here and offers enough space for an intimate dinner. Since my big birth­day party here, the kitchen has known how to inspire me wordlessly with homemade truffle noodles.

I also unreservedly recom­mend both

Enoteca DaVinum
ein paar Meter weiter, das bekannt ist für seine im Parme­san­laib gewen­de­ten Linguine sowie das Oscar in der Remise.Die Atmosphäre hier kann und darf ausge­lassen sein und lädt zum Anstoßen ein.

I would like to add that

Crime dinner Bonn
At three locations in Bonn you can experi­ence suspense and murder over dinner, and maybe we can work together to find the murderer. Because unfor­tu­nately I still had the oppor­tu­nity to attend such a dinner, but I think you and I would be a good team, Watson.

Some claim that Bonn is short for federal city with no nightlife to speak of. Allow me to convince you otherwise.