Fella­tio – tips from an indepen­dent escort lady

by Mia | 14/07/2021 | PILLOW TALK

First of all: every body and every penis is differ­ent and getting involved with the other should always be in the foreground. Often just observ­ing your partner atten­tively can turn an other­wise average fella­tio (blowjob) into an extremely sensual experience.

But I’m not making it too easy for myself and will tell you a few tips and tricks from the sewing box of an indepen­dent escort lady.

Since the begin­ning of my career, I’ve been inspired by “Wild Thing” by Paul Joannides and “Sex with Nina” by Nina Hartley. I have a clear purchase recom­men­da­tion for both if you want to deepen your knowl­edge or get new ideas

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Let’s start with the require­ments for a success­ful blowjob:

a well-groomed penis and a gentle­man at the end.
For an appeal­ing tail, the pubic hair should at least be trimmed. This applies to both the pubic area and the testi­cles, because hardly anything is as annoy­ing as long hair in the throat while trying to be seductive.

In addition, furry areas tend to be reluc­tant to kiss.
(Often clipped areas smell less intensely.)
After the shave follows … exactly — the personal hygiene. In my job, I have learned two main things about this topic.

1. Use deodor­ant. Even if you don’t think you need this. The chances are good that the percep­tion of others and self-percep­tion are very different.

2. Please clean your penises after each orgasm and urinate. The foreskin must be pulled back when clean­ing. Really. However, you should avoid using strongly scented washing lotions or intimate deodor­ants. Also make sure to wash off all soap residue thoroughly before indulging in oral pleasure. Because just like long pubic hair, a soapy taste can be unpleas­ant for your counter­part during fellatio.

The gentleman’s job at the end of it?

Nearly nothing.
What is that supposed to mean? Please take your hands off the woman’s head unless you’ve been given the okay to take the lead.

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The gentle start:

Person­ally, I find blowing something very intimate and erotic. I enjoy playfully explor­ing my partner’s eroge­nous zones through initial licking, kissing, caress­ing and gentle nibbling. This not only includes the penis. I also caress the testi­cles, the buttocks and the inside of his thighs with relish. This not only increases his ecstasy, but also increases my own lust for his body.

When I finally devote myself to his cock, I pay special atten­tion to the frenu­lum (foreskin ligament). In addition to the glans, this is the most sensi­tive area of the penis. You can give your partner their first flights of fancy with gentle, quick tongue taps or kisses with soft lips.

I prefer to kneel or lie between the man’s legs so that I can reach the testi­cles and the perineum and look him in the eye. (Blowjobs in the 69 position distract me too much.) Eye contact in partic­u­lar creates very attrac­tive moments: Not only can you watch his reactions to your pamper­ing tongue play. With your looks you also signal to him that you are completely devoted to him, which increases his pleasure all the more.

As soon as you start to put the cock all the way into your mouth, you can create a vacuum by closing your mouth airtight around the penis and pulling your head up. Feel your way slowly and watch out with your teeth. If you don’t know your partner’s reactions very well, it helps to always keep one hand around the shaft as a buffer — this way you can cushion sponta­neous bumping.

Your saliva is also partic­u­larly useful. I like to let it run down the shaft while blowing and use it as a lubri­cant while I pump something with my hands or massage and scratch the testi­cles. So far nobody has complained about the “wet” matter and it inten­si­fies the feeling immensely. You can “turn” your hand on the shaft up and down synchro­nously with your mouth; sometimes gripping harder, sometimes more stroking. Audible sucking is absolutely desir­able. Combined with a varying pace and lustful looks — while you lick up the shaft, circling the glans with your tongue and knock the penis challeng­ingly on your lips before you surround it again with your mouth — can drive your partner crazy. 

Anyone who dares can try to massage the perineum with one or two fingers at the same time and, if the reaction is enthu­si­as­tic, hike a little further towards the anus. If your partner signals that you can penetrate him with your fingers, the running down saliva is perfect for penetrat­ing. However, it is impor­tant that you have short­ened or rounded finger­nails in order to avoid injuries! (If you are inter­ested in a “Mia Talks bed whisper” on the subject of prostate massage or anal plugs, just let me know).

In conclu­sion, I can only advise you not to apply too much pressure and force yourself to do a deep throat. I’m here like Nina Hartley — taking in the cock for as long as it’s comfort­able plus a tiny bit more. A slight gag reflex is desir­able because it ensures that the muscles in the inside of the mouth contract and exert pressure on the tail. A slight tear in combi­na­tion with a devoted look can sometimes lead to the gentle­man gasping for excitement …

The Grand Finale

It is best to think about how and, above all, where the blowjob should end in advance. The easiest, of course, is to simply swallow the semen. If you can’t put up with it in terms of taste, you should try to put your tongue over the glans during orgasm. That way it doesn’t taste so intense and shots straight into the throat are avoided. If you don’t even want to get the sperm in your mouth, you can climax with a quick, firm handjob and lick or suck the testi­cles, frenu­lum, nipples or lips.


For a little extra pep, the careful use of orgasm gels for women on the glans as well as menthol candies have proven themselves. The latter not only stimu­late your saliva flow when blowing, but also inten­sify the feeling of pleasure through a cooling effect on the glans. If you want an extrav­a­gant kick, I recom­mend champagne! The manual stimu­la­tion becomes even more intense if you let the champagne run over the shaft together with your saliva during fella­tio. However, before you start actively pamper­ing the penis with your mouth, you can increase the initial stimu­lus of the carbonic acid. Take the tail carefully in your mouth and let the tingling liquid work on your partner. To avoid uncom­fort­able wetness, you should put a towel or water-repel­lent latex sheet under­neath or spend the rest of the evening on the other side of the bed.

If you use the blowjob as foreplay, you can also use it to put a condom orally over the penis. To do this, take the tip of the condom in your mouth and push the air out with your tongue. The condom ring points outwards and is gently held in place with your moist­ened lips. Impor­tant: Do not use teeth as this could damage the rubber! Then you take the penis in your hand and put the ring on the glans. With enough pressure (and a little practice) you should be able to roll the condom over the penis with your lips and tongue. As soon as you notice that you can’t go further orally, roll the rest of the way over the shaft with massag­ing hand movements. In this way, putting on the condom turns from a pleasure killer to a pleasure booster! 

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