The begin­ners guide to being a good Client

by Mia | 19/04/2022 | PILLOW TALK

How do I make sure the lady feels as comfort­able as I do?

It all starts with your request — please make sure that it is not an imper­sonal copy & paste message that also contains the name of another lady, but at least partially refer to the homepage or texts of your sweetheart.

As far as possi­ble, summa­rize all impor­tant data at the begin­ning, like this:

  • The desired duration of the date
  • The meeting place
  • The time of day
  • maybe you already know in which hotel you are.
  • A short descrip­tion of yourself is always good.

Many women — like every­one else — have prefer­ences regard­ing their sexual partners and you certainly don’t want an awkward silence as soon as the lady enters the room. For example, a common prefer­ence is not meeting clients under the age of 30. Still others are uncom­fort­able with clients who “could be their dad”.

Many ladies enjoy tender­ness with a cozy “bear type”, others prefer it very slim. Can you look at the tip of my nose to which of the two types I belong? Of course not. So give the indepen­dent escort lady or agency manage­ment the oppor­tu­nity to find out whether you fall into the prey scheme.

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The time has come: you meet!

It is best to receive the lady (if possi­ble) in the lobby instead of in the room, as many hotels work with key cards or inter­cept the lady at recep­tion and question her. 

Please do not just wait for the lady to approach you, maybe she is not sure if you are the right gentle­man. In most cases, she doesn’t have a photo of you, so she runs the risk of approach­ing the wrong gentle­man. So approach her with a smile, address her by her name to be on the safe side, and offer to carry her luggage.

Every lady is happy about a little compli­ment right at the begin­ning. That breaks the ice!

So far so good.

  • You are welcome to provide drinks in your room, it is best to ask in advance what the lady would like to drink. 
  • Give the lady a few minutes to settle in and get used to you.
  • If you like, you can bring music and prefer­ably a music box. 
  • I love learn­ing about the Lord’s taste in music!
  • But I always have music for every taste with me, just in case. 

If no food is planned for the date, offer a few snacks or room service in a gentle­manly manner from 4 hours of booking time. This makes it even more fun to physi­cally exert yourself.

Ideally, there is already an envelope (if you want to be sure, even with her name) on the table, in which you put her fee. 

If you find time before­hand, many women would be happy to receive a small gift such as a box of choco­lates or a book in which to put the envelope. A bouquet of flowers is of course also a great gift, but it requires some planning.

If you still don’t want to miss her radiant face — many women write down their favorite flowers in their sedcard. 

Usually the lady would like to freshen up in the bathroom, change for you and discreetly count the fee (some prefer to do this in front of the customer so that it can be clari­fied directly if money is missing.) So don’t be surprised , when she briefly disap­pears. If you want, you can do the same after­wards, you should­n’t have showered just before the date anyway. Washing hands and genitals is partic­u­larly impor­tant for this evening. Feel free to check out my blog Fella­tiohow best to clean your penis. Freshly brushed teeth are also evidence of an atten­tive and well-groomed gentleman.

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So, take a deep breath and exhale.

Every­thing has been going well so far, hasn’t it?

I know you would like to have every­thing right away. This is under­stand­able, but please also try to cater to the prefer­ences of the lady and ideally not insist on every service offered. Anal sex can be pleasur­able some days and not others. Reputable ladies there­fore often do not agree to some practices, but point out that it depends on the form on the day. Or maybe you’re surpris­ingly just too well built?

Delay­ing your orgasm for hours can be attrac­tive for you, but at some point it can become uncom­fort­able for the lady during sexual inter­course. Give her a break in between. Massages, a drink at the bar or a bath together are a great idea to bridge the time “in between”.

You had a nice evening and want to tell about it? Forums such as and offer the oppor­tu­nity to write reports about women. Please be respect­ful when doing so. The exact details of the date belong only to the two of you, and that’s a good thing. The evening didn’t go as planned? Please first try to talk to the lady or the agency before you write a negative report. Maybe there was a misun­der­stand­ing or the chemistry just wasn’t right. This can happen even to the “pros”. If, contrary to expec­ta­tions, it didn’t work out at all, an aborted date is often better than a frantic one.

Please note that some of these wishes and ideas corre­spond to my personal prefer­ences — the lady of your choice may have other ideals. So take my ideas with you, but feel free to ask the lady again. (Unless you want to meet me — then my prefer­ences are now like an open book in front of you).

Finally, the not so nice sides of the escort.

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The five no-gos when it comes to dating

1.) Not prepar­ing the fee
Please put the fee in an unsealed envelope at the begin­ning of the date. I hope you under­stand that we too would like to feel like we are on an extremely nice, private date — only then can we convey this feeling in a credi­ble way. Taking the money out of your wallet at the end of the date, count­ing it out and asking “how much do you get now” will proba­bly make you stick in the lady’s memory. Negative.

2.) Not respect­ing the privacy of the lady
If the lady comes by car, give her 2–3 minutes to possi­bly check her make-up and change into her pumps. I have already experi­enced the precise study of the number plate and the interior of the car and found it to be very invasive. Since then, I’ve often asked gentle­men to simply wait at the hotel entrance.
(Please refrain from any behav­ior that has to do with reveal­ing the lady’s identity. Secret video or photo record­ings are also an absolute viola­tion of her personal rights and should take place in your imagi­na­tion rather than in reality.)

3.) Hygiene!
Unfor­tu­nately, uncut finger­nails and toenails not only tear expen­sive stock­ings, but can also injure the sensi­tive skin on the genitals. Please consider buying a nail file as it leaves no sharp edges. If you notice nail fungus on you, you should get it treated urgently. He is highly conta­gious. The best thing to do is to briefly point out to the lady that you are being treated for this and — very sexy — leave your socks on.

Unfor­tu­nately, genital hygiene is still a big issue, since stand­ing under warm water is usually not enough. Please also wash under your foreskin, as it automat­i­cally pushes itself back a little during an erection or a hand job and at the latest then it becomes appar­ent how careful you were. Check out my blog Fella­tio for more tips on hygiene in the pubic area.

Irreg­u­lar­i­ties in the skin color or the surface of the penis should definitely be examined by a doctor before the date. Many ladies refuse contact with genitals if they cannot clearly assess where such spots come from. So don’t be afraid to ask your doctor, he will certainly give the all-clear and you and the lady can enjoy the date carefree.

Here aside:
The rear view also needs care, especially if you want the lady to lie down during mutual oral sex or if you are planning anal games. Ideally, you make sure the view doesn’t dimin­ish her desire. In addition, of course, there is washing your hands after going to the toilet, which is partic­u­larly impor­tant in sexual contact with one another. Unfor­tu­nately, the vagina is very sensi­tive to certain bacte­ria.
If you want to be sure that you don’t have bad breath, have bridges, dentures and crowns examined. Many people do not know that this is often the reason for bad breath.

4.) Drug use
On escort dates, illegal drugs of any kind and exces­sive alcohol consump­tion should be avoided on both sides. In the worst case, you are a complete stranger to the lady whose reactions she can hardly judge. Please don’t make her feel uncom­fort­able around you because you’re on drugs.

5.) Stealth­ing / asking for AO
Any question about AO in advance is blocked by me and my colleagues anyway. If you ask about it on the date, it can happen that the lady breaks off the date because she no longer feels safe. The attempt at stealth­ing (secret removal of the condom) leads me – and certainly many other women too – to break­ing off the date and withhold­ing the fee. If unpro­tected inter­course has already occurred, this will be reported and classi­fied as sexual assault accord­ing to Section 177 of the Crimi­nal Code.

You are now super prepared for a date — have fun booking and thanks to Diary Lady Escort and Amuse Escort for the additions!